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What are Those Noises from My CPAP Mask?
CPAP machines have been improved, reducing the noise from blasting 70-decibel vacuum cleaner motor noise to a quiet, whispering 26 decibels. You can now get the quietest CPAP machine 2020 in the market.
All the same, CPAP machines can make some disturbing noises. The older machine models have a tendency to hum, vibrate, and be noisy. So if you have an older CPAP model, you may want to consider purchasing or having your insurance company purchase a new machine for you.
Perceiving Sound
Some individuals have extremely sensitive ears and are annoyed at CPAP noise when exhaling. Women and children can typically hear higher tones than men. Others do not have such sensitive ears. So whether a CPAP sound is disturbing or not depends on the individual’s perception.
If your CPAP machine’s natural sound is just too loud for you, try putting the machine further away from your bed. You can get a ten-foot tubing or use two attachable six-foot tubes.
However, do not use a CPAP hose longer than 12 feet because the air pressure will be lost when moving over such a long distance from the machine to mask.
Things That Lead to CPAP machine making a whistling noise
Placing your CPAP machine below your ear level helps reduce the sounds. It is not recommended that you put your CPAP machine on the floor, but some people do. If you do leave your CPAP on the floor, make sure there is no carpeting, drapes, or other material that is blocking the air intake area.
Be creative in your quest to live a healthy lifestyle. One man drilled a hole in his bedroom wall, put the CPAP machine in the next room, and ran the hose through the hole. Whatever works, right?!
Keep your CPAP machine clean and away from dusty areas. Check the air filter on your CPAP. This little filter keeps dirt away from the motor. When the filter gets really filled with dust and dirt, the motor will start working harder and may make noise. Make sure the filter is regularly cleaned and unblocked. Change filters according to the manufacturer’s recommendation.
If your CPAP vibrates, you may alleviate the sound by placing a small towel under it. However, do not let the towel block the air intake area.
If you hear a gurgling sound, the humidifier may be in need of more or less water. Adhere to the maximum fill line on the CPAP humidifier, and you probably won’t hear gurgling.
CPAP machines have a feature allowing the air pressure to reduce when the patient is taking a breath. This feature is known as A-FLEX, C-FLEX, or EPR. Some CPAP users and bed partners find the sound of this increasing and decreasing air pressure to be annoying.
To mask the sound, you could get a white noise machine, use a fan, or play some relaxing music. If all else fails, earplugs can always be used to eliminate the annoying noise.
My CPAP Mask is Farting and Whistling
It can be challenging to tell where a sound is coming from. A farting or whistling sound may be heard in the night. Both sounds are more than likely coming from the CPAP mask blowing air than the CPAP machine itself. Noises occur when there is a leak at the mask site, when the seal is not quite tight, usually near the eye or mouth, or from the exhalation port.
The most common type of leak problem concerning a CPAP mask is a seal leak. This occurs when the air inside the mask is leaking out between the mask and the facial skin. It is important to address any mask leak because they affect the integrity of the air pressure.
If the leak is significant, the CPAP machine may not have the ability to deliver adequate pressure to keep your airway open. A leak may also impair the machine’s ability to sense what is going on with you, thereby not responding to your respiratory requirements properly. A leak blowing into your eye can also cause dry eye and other eye problems.
When the air is leaking through the mask, a simple fix is to slightly pull the mask away from the face and then let it come back to the CPAP mask. This will get rid of any creases that may have formed on the silicone gel part of the mask and eliminate the mask. You may have to do this a few times. You can also just move the mask around slightly to reseal the mask to your face.
People have a tendency when having a mask leak to tighten the mask. This may be helpful in eliminating leaks, but overtightening the mask may cause more leaking to occur. So be careful of this.
Leaks may also happen because the mask is too dirty, worn or old and needs to be replaced. Masks should be replaced every six months, and your durable medical equipment company can assist you with getting a new mask.
It is very important that you do not cover up the exhalation port where the air is designed to leave the mask. This port expels the carbon dioxide your body has produced. Blocking that exhalation port will cause you to rebreathe your own carbon dioxide and can be dangerous to your health.